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Our volunteers are an essential part of our school and church communities. We are grateful for the time and effort they dedicate to supporting us. Whether you're a parent, grandparent, or friend of the school, we value your contributions and hope you feel appreciated.

We have a supportive and dedicated volunteer community that helps us in many ways. From organizing events to coming along on a school trip, our volunteers play a vital role in our success.

We invite you to join our community of volunteers and make a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you for your support!

All paid school staff must have on file both BCI and FBI background checks and must attend "Protecting God’s Children."

All volunteers must have on file a BCI background check and must attend “Protecting God’s Children” no matter how much or how little contact they have with children or youth, no matter if volunteering for the school or parish, and no matter what time of the day or night they volunteer.

To keep all of our activities safe for the youngest of our parishioners and students, all volunteers are asked complete the Protecting God’s Children Training Program. To get registered for PGC complete the following steps:

  • Choose "First Time Registrant" and then "View a List of Sessions".  From the drop down list, select "Columbus, OH (Diocese)."  You will see various sessions of PGC to choose.  Once you have selected a date that works for you, click on "Start Registration" at the top of the page to register for that class session.  There is no cost for participants, but you must preregister.

You must also:

For more information about The Diocesan Safe Environment Criteria, please click here.

Family Service Hours

Service is one of the most important aspects of our Catholic faith and builds a strong sense of community within our schools.  It is a partnership that Saint Mary Magdalene deeply values. We believe that our families are the primary and most important educators of a child and together in partnership with their Catholic school - are able to educate the heart and mind of each student. Because we believe this, we are asking each family to commit to volunteer hours to help enhance and build this partnership and community. This is an opportunity for families to help us fulfill our mission of developing the whole student: academically, spiritually, and morally, in preparation for the ever-changing challenges of life.


Families are REQUIRED to:

Volunteer for 10 hours in the school and/or parish  OR Pay a $200 ($20/hour) fee in lieu of volunteer hours

Volunteer Hours:

Volunteer hours count towards the requirement if the activity directly benefits Saint Mary Magdalene School or Church. Community service to other non-profit organizations, while charitable, does not count toward the Saint Mary Magdalene Family Service Hour requirement. Families will find many opportunities to fulfill volunteer hours in all areas of the parish and school life. These will be communicated when opportunities arise. 

Volunteer hours must be completed by parents or guardians or family members over the age of 18. Please note these hours are separate from the middle school service hour requirement.

*If you need assistance or have questions about these requirements, please contact the Main Office.

Cash Payment

Our hope is that all families at Saint Mary Magdalene School choose to serve as volunteers, taking advantage of the opportunity to enrich our school while building relationships with school staff and other school families. However, a family may choose to not volunteer and instead pay the value of their time. The value of 10 hours is $200 per family.

All hours must be fulfilled by April 15, 2025 in order to avoid an invoice. Because this is a requirement for enrollment at Saint Mary Magdalene, this payment is not considered a donation. 

Dates for Family Service Hours

Families have from June 1, 2024 until April 15, 2025 to complete the required volunteer hours. If these are not complete, families will be billed for any unfulfilled hours. Enrollment for the following year or graduation will be contingent on whether the hours/fee have been fulfilled. 

Extra hours are welcome, however they may not be carried over to the following year, nor may be given/donated to another family. 

Tracking your volunteer hours will be shared later in the year.

Potential Volunteer Opportunities

A variety of opportunities will be available throughout the year for families to volunteer for Saint Mary Magdalene events such as, but not limited to: 

1. Active participation in Home and School 

2. Volunteering at events after school: Christmas Market, Purse BINGO, Multicultural Night, Parent Engagement Nights 

3. Garden Club 

4. Field Trip Chaperones 

5. Classroom Prep help 

6. Cafeteria Duty 

7. Recess Monitor 

8. Coaching a Saint Mary Magdalene Sport Team 

9. Other events that occur at Saint Mary Magdalene parish/school that need help beyond the staff 

10. Church Yard Sale 

We are excited to continue to partner with our Saint Mary Magdalene families and are certain this family service component of our school will enhance the community and partnership between school and families! Please reach out to the office with any questions or concerns. 

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