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EdChoice - General Overview

The Educational Choice Scholarship (EdChoice) Program provides students from designated public schools the opportunity to attend participating private schools. The program also provides students who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade scholarship opportunities based on their household income level.

The scholarship amount is $6166 for grades K–8 *Total scholarship can be subject to change

2025-2026 Request Form2025-2026 Renewal Form

Acceptable Proof of Address | 2025-2026 Traditional EdChoice Fact Sheet

2025-2026 Expansion EdChoice Fact Sheet 2024-2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines

24-25 EdChoice Scholarship
All Families For those renewing their EdChoice Scholarship application, please see the 24–25 Renewal Form, Acceptable Proof of Address PDF, and the Income Verification Helpful Tips PDF.

Full Tuition Rate*
EdChoice Scholarship*
Total Owed
1 Child
2 Children
3 Children
4 Children
5 Children
















These are subject to change and it does not include any other scholarships that could be awarded

*This amount includes the $450 Student Service Fee (per student)

*This is the maximum amount that can be awarded. For those determined based on income, the minimum amount could be $616.60.

24-25 FACTS Financial Aid
If you and your family may need financial aid, the only way you will be eligible is if you apply for it. Please apply to FACTS Financial Aid to be considered for additional aid. If you are unsure at this time, I highly encourage you to apply. Please find more information attached. We recognize the sacrifice families make to send their children to SMM. We want to do everything we can to support you and make this possible, so please make sure to complete the application before the March 15 deadline. We will not be able to offer aid if you do not complete this application.  Complete the application HERE.

FACTS Plan Ahead Tuition Assistance Flyer - FINAL - English (1).jpg
FACTS Plan Ahead Tuition Assistance Flyer - FINAL - Spanish.jpg

El colegio Saint Mary Magdalene recluta y admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color u origen étnico en todos sus
derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades. Además, la escuela no discriminará en base a
raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión,
programas de empleo, becas y préstamos, y programas deportivos y otros programas administrados por la escuela”.
La escuela Saint Mary Magdalene no discriminará por motivos de raza, color u origen étnico en el
contratación de su personal certificado o no certificado.

2940 Parkside Rd. Columbus Ohio, 43204 | 614-279-9935

© 2022 Escuela Católica St. Mary Magdalene JMJ.

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